Integrating Alternative Medicine And Standard Medicine

The Ayurvedic weight loss and obesity program is one of the most natural programs offered by the weight loss clinic Tuscon, AZ. It is a combination of latest research and old ancient ayurvedic methods. The weight loss experience is made enjoyable for the body and spirit.

The program lasts for 3-16 weeks and has following components:

· Udvartana – herbal weight loss massage
It is an effective ayurveda herbal massage treatment used for weight reduction. The herbal powder is massaged all over the body and is deeply massaged with the help of the experienced persons for one hour daily. It is a therapy effective for reducing weight naturally. It removes the cellulites and revitalize the sense of touch thus giving a good complexion to the skin and removing toxins from the body. It tones the skin muscles which are loosed after the child birth.

· Obesity Reduction Yoga
This is the best program combining the ayurveda therapy with the weight loss meditation and Yoga. There are some instructions which must be followed by the members every day. There are asanas that are given for the practice. There is a remarkable difference seen if all the therapies are followed. The length of yoga practice ranges from 1-4 hours daily. It is highly recommended but is not a compulsion. The mind and spirit are strengthened by Mediation and it serves as a catalyst for weight loss. With Ayurvedic Tucson weight loss clinic, it is a most enjoyable experience.

· Weight Loss Diet & Cooking Classes
There are special meals made at the ayurvedic weight loss clinic Tuscon. It is different according to the requirements of the individual. Each meal is prepared under the supervision of ayurvedic doctor or expert. Fresh and organic ingredients are added to keep the healthy standards high. It is served at specific hours and not after that. Many times there is a difference of preparation method and it is something not visible to the untrained eye. Weight loss gain is often a result of unhealthy food combination and once these are corrected; the rest of the process is easy.

· Walk and Exercise
The weight loss program is incomplete without walk and exercise. This is a must thing for all those who are physically able. Every country is blessed with the beautiful natural surrounding and finding time for ourselves is difficult because of our hectic routines. Take part in hiking and walking activities and relax your mind by observing the natural beauty which you have never done before. The nature is a mother healing all the pains and injuries which are unseen to others.

· Weight maintenance
The objective of Ayurvedic Weight Loss Clinic, Tuscon is to maintain the healthy weight after you loss the unnecessary one. It is your health that we are mostly concerned with. The positive experience must be a life time and not just something temporary.

The Ayurveda weight loss approach s based on the permanently resetting the mind’s ability of regulating itself and calming the nervous system, enhancing the digestive fires and healthy regulation of the energy storage and fat. There is no universal approach regarding the solution of problems and strategies are designed after doing the careful analysis of each candidate. The remedies are natural and free from any side effects.

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